Horizontal piece count
This option allows you to change the number of pieces in the horizontal direction. The number of pieces in the vertical direction depends on the aspect ratio of the image (ratio of width to height) and the number of pieces in the horizontal direction.
Remove puzzle pieces
This option allows you to make it look as if some of the pieces are still missing, giving the puzzle a 'work in progress' appearance. Drag the slider to change the number of missing pieces.
Scatter puzzle pieces
Use this option to take the missing pieces and spread them across the puzzle. Drag the slider to change the number of pieces.
Remove edge pieces
Use this option to remove the edge pieces.
Fade into puzzle
This option allows you to fade the image into a jigsaw puzzle.
Converts the image into a grayscale image.
Wikipedia Logo
This option allows you to draw the Wikipedia Logo.
You can use this tab page to select a background for your image. You can choose between the current image, a transparent background, a background color, a gradient, or a background image (texture).
OK + Export as Layers
This option allows you to apply the effect and create multiple layers, each of which can be manipulated without affecting any other part of the image.