This option allows you to change the width as a percentage of the layout rectangle. For example, a value of 20 specifies that the width is 20 percent of the total width.
This option allows you to change the height as a percentage of the layout rectangle. For example, a value of 20 specifies that the height is 20 percent of the total height.
Drag the slider to soften the shadow of the clip art object.
Use this option to select a color, a gradient or texture brush. Open an image to create a texture brush.
This option allows you to select a background color or background gradient.
Flip horizontal
This option allows you to flip the clip art object horizontally.
Flip vertical
This option allows you to flip the clip art object vertically.
Use this option to draw a shadow. Drag the X and Y sliders to specify the shadow's position in the X and Y direction. Drag the Strength slider to increase the shadow's strength. Drag the Blur slider to soften your shadow.