Adjust > Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Key |
Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Key |
The Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Key filter allows you to adjust the amount of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black in the image and to make color corrections by changing the overall color cast. |
1. | Choose Adjust > Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / Key |
2. | Use the following options: |
| | Cyan (%) |
Select the percentage to change this value. A value of 0% indicates the original value. To add more of a color, use a positive number. To remove some of a color, use a negative number.
Min = -100, Max = 100, Default = 0.
| | Magenta (%) |
Select the percentage to change this value. A value of 0% indicates the original value. To add more of a color, use a positive number. To remove some of a color, use a negative number.
Min = -100, Max = 100, Default = 0.
| | Yellow (%) |
Select the percentage to change this value. A value of 0% indicates the original value. To add more of a color, use a positive number. To remove some of a color, use a negative number.
Min = -100, Max = 100, Default = 0.
| | Key (%) |
Select the percentage to change this value. A value of 0% indicates the original value. To add more of a color, use a positive number. To remove some of a color, use a negative number.
Min = -100, Max = 100, Default = 0.
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