This option allows you to change the width as a percentage of the layout rectangle. For example, a value of 20 specifies that the width is 20 percent of the total width.
This option allows you to change the height as a percentage of the layout rectangle. For example, a value of 20 specifies that the height is 20 percent of the total height.
Use this option to set the shape count.
This option allows you to change the rotation angle.
Closed Curve
Draws a closed curve. A closed curve is a closed cardinal spline defined by the corner points of a shape.
| | | | Without antialias | With antialias |
Use this option to draw smooth flowing lines by shading the pixels along the borders of graphical elements.
This option allows you to set the opacity of the color, gradient, layer, or image you are working with. Opacity is the opposite of transparency. If something has an opacity value of 100%, that means it’s completely visible. An opacity value of 0% indicates that an object is completely transparent.
This option allows you to draw an outline.
This option allows you to draw a shadow. Drag the X and Y sliders to specify the shadow's position in the X and Y direction. Select the shadow color. For a natural shadow set the color to Black (R=0, G=0, B=0) and the opacity to 20%.