Użyć narzędzia Text art
The Text Art Tool contains many text styles and effects. For example the Google logo. ABC blocks, Buttons, Newspaper and Magazine cutouts. Bronze, copper, silver, and gold effects. Retro, Pop Art, Seventies, and Cartoon. You can rotate text and place text in a circle with relative ease.
Krok 1: Otwórz obraz
Otwórz obraz. W menu Plik kliknij polecenie Otwórz > Plik (Ctrl+O).
Krok 2: Select the Text Art Tool
Select the Text Art Tool. In the menu click Text > Text Art.
Krok 3: Select a text style
In the listbox of the Text Art Panel select a text style.
Krok 4: The Text Art Toolbar
Make sure the Text Art Toolbar is visible (View > Toolbars > Text). Select the fontname, fontsize, and fontstyle (Bold, Italic, Underline). Click the randomize parameters button (dice button) to try out random settings.
Krok 5: The General Tab
Color1, Color2, and Color3
Color1 is generally used as forecolor. Color2 is generally used as forecolor, outline color or 3D-color. Color3 is used as outline color or shape color.
The option 'Random' generates random text colors.
This command allows you to draw your text using alternating colors (Color1 and Color2).
This command allows you to draw your text using alternating colors (Color1 and Color2) for each part of your text separated by a space character.
Bend Outside
The option 'Bend Outside' bends your text around a circle, moving clockwise. Use the Angle Slider to change the start angle.
Bend Inside
The option 'Bend Inside' bends your text inside a circle, moving counter clockwise. Use the Angle Slider to change the start angle.
Round Edges
The option 'Round Edges' alows you to choose between a round line join and a miter (sharp) line join.
Krok 6: The Shadow Tab
Adding shadow is an easy way to give a flat text a natural looking 3D effect. Check 'Shadow' to add a drop shadow to your text. Drag the X Slider to move the shadow several pixels left or right, drag the Y Slider to move the shadow several pixels up or down. The Strength Slider allows you to change the shadow strength.
Krok 7: The Spacing Tab
Character Spacing Slider
The Character Spacing Slider specifies spacing behavior between text characters. A value of 0 is the normal spacing for the current font.A value other than 0 adds or substracts a percentage of the default space between characters.
Line Spacing and Shape Size Slider
This Slider has two functions. Depending on the chosen text style it specifies spacing behavior between lines of text or it lets you change the size of rectangular an circular shapes used in certain text styles. A value of 0 is the normal spacing for the current font or text style. A value other than 0 adds or substracts a percentage of the default space between lines of text or adds or substracts a percentage of the shape size. An example of a text style containing shapes is the 'Button' text style.
Krok 8: Apply your changes
Press the right mouse button and click 'Apply as new Vector Layer' or 'Apply as new Raster Layer' or 'Apply to Background' to have your changes take effect.
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